Book Review: Such Wicked Intent (The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein Book 2) by Kenneth Oppel

Victor has sworn off alchemy, but the torment of an unkept promise and the allure of a strange box he finds in the ashes of the Dark Library tempt him into new territory---the spirit world. Victor's good intentions quickly turn to dangerous obsession, and Victor, Konrad, Elizabeth, and Henry may be in even more danger with each foray into this other realm.

Book Review: Such Wicked Intent (The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein Book 2) by Kenneth Oppel | reading, books, book reviews, historical fantasy, retelling
Title: Such Wicked Intent
Book Number: Book 2
Pages: 310
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Publisher


Much like the first book, this was an ominous and gripping Frankenstein-inspired story about a character enticed by power and the bond between twins.

In fact, I would say this book was even more ominous than the first, and also a little bit creepy at times, because of the things happening in the plot.

Once again, Victor was an intriguing character with some darkness in him, but a character who was definitely not all bad. Something he did near the end was especially touching. As I’ve said before, he struggled with always making the right choices, but I think his heart was ultimately in the right place.

What I especially liked about this duology was the retelling aspect. Well, it wasn’t so much a retelling as it was a prequel of a somewhat alternate version of Frankenstein since the details of Victor’s life weren’t quite the same (e.g. he didn’t have a twin in the original). I liked how this showed the beginning of Victor’s obsession, how easy it was for him to descend a bit into madness. It showed how a character could let something like what happens in the original book (creating life, messing with those kind of things) happen. This story was rather open-ended though. And unpredictable, for that matter. I kept predicting how it would end, how it would relate to the original, but I kept being wrong. *SPOILER* (First I thought their plan would work. Then I thought they were going to bring back Konrad into that possessed body, and it would fit with the original story but with the resurrected Konrad as the monster. Then I thought Wilhelm would win and keep Victor’s body, and that would explain why he would do the things he did in the original book. But none of those things happened.) *END SPOILER* But there was one specific reference to the original, one that tied it to this duology, that makes me wonder exactly what the reader is supposed to infer. *SPOILER* (Victor had that dream of himself chasing after Konrad in the arctic, which is clearly referencing the original since Victor chases his monster across the arctic, so… are we supposed to believe that Victor eventually learns how to resurrect using lightning and does bring his brother back? But then the next questions is, does Victor changes his mind and abandon him, like in the original? Or does the resurrection go wrong and he’s just disappointed when it isn’t Konrad, or some twisted version of Konrad? Or does he end up resurrecting him, and they actually have an adventure together, like he always wanted? Or was that not Konrad in the dream, but Victor just thought it was because he so wanted it to be?) *END SPOILER* Like I said, seemingly open to interpretation. Not my favorite type of ending, to be honest, but sometimes speculating on different possibilities is fun, and it was a creative retelling/prequel all the same.

My only real complaint is that I wanted more from these books. More darkness. More interaction between Victor and Konrad. More emotion from Victor.

But, like I said in my last review, despite any minor issues I had, I was enthralled while reading and didn’t want to put these books down. It only took me two days to read each, and that’s saying a lot with the slump I’ve been in.

Overall, I thought this was a gripping alternate-Frankenstein prequel duology. Although I’m pretty sure this is not going to happen, I would happily read a continuation—a retelling of the main story—if the author ever chose to write it!


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Talk to me!

Have you read Such Wicked Intent by Kenneth Oppel?
Do you like endings that are a bit open to interpretation?


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10 thoughts on “Book Review: Such Wicked Intent (The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein Book 2) by Kenneth Oppel

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  1. Olivia-Savannah Roach

    I am so glad that this sequel to the duology was so good. I know I want to read these ones myself for sure now. It sounds like the creepiness factor in this one was very much dialed up, but that it did leave a lot of room for the reader to wonder whether Victor is really bad or good or somewhere in between. And I am curious to know what that touching gesture was now 🙂

  2. Tizzy

    This duology sounds great. Frankenstein is one of my favourite novels but I’ve never actually read a retelling of it. This sounds like it honours the dark and foreboding atmosphere of the original.

  3. Bookworm Brandee

    I don’t think I realized this was a duology when I bought book #1, Kristen. But you have me itching to read them both. My older daughter really enjoyed the first book as well. Such Wicked Intent seems to be thought-provoking in that it explores how Victor reacted after having created “life.” I’m so happy both of these were such satisfying reads for you even if you had a few issues. I hope this reading “streak” continues! 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      Glad to hear she enjoyed the first book too! The books do a great job of exploring some of those themes from the original and were so ominous. Thanks, I hope you enjoy them too!

  4. Daniela Ark

    a Frankenstein inspired story! To me that was the first Beauty and the Beast 🙂 (though now I’m not sure if there was a love interest in the original Frankenstein lol)

    I love stories of characters descending into madness. 🙂 They are so hard to craft, when they are well done they are so satisfying!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Ah, clever 😉 You could say Victor had a love interest since he married Elizabeth, but that really wasn’t the point of the story lol.

      It does seem like such a hard thing to write, but it’s so interesting when it turns out well!