Game Reviews: 3 Quick, Free Games to Make You Smile


I don’t know about you all, but I find that life can be tough, and it helps to find things here and there that can make you smile. For me, games are one of the best distractions. Sometimes a whole long and involved game takes too much time and focus though. That’s why quick, simple games can be great! I came across these three games lately—two of which only take a few minutes, the other less than an hour—and I had fun playing them, so I thought you all might like to try them too!

Kiss Planet

Kiss Planet

Kiss Planet is super weird but fun and only takes a few minutes to play. It was created in 48 hours for the Drawfee Game Jam (if you don’t already watch Drawfee, you should—it’s another fun distraction!). You are a very smoochable spaceship, and you come upon the prince of Kiss Planet, who wants nothing more in life than to be smooched. But you can only communicate with him via emojis. You do that by hitting the space bar to move your ship up and down as asteroids and emojis fly past. You have to collect the emojis that match the color for each message while avoiding asteroids. It’s harder than it sounds! And at the end, you get to read the conversation, which is pretty hilarious.

*Accessibility: Not accessible for blind / visually impaired players and screen reader users.*

Download It Here

Monster Lover

Monster Love

I stumbled upon Monster Lover somewhere on the internet, it takes about ten minutes to play, and it’s also super weird but oddly charming. It’s all about how good relationships and sex are about communication and respect. You just have a little date at home, then you pleasure your lover and yourself by moving your mouse around his body and finding the areas that feel good until both of you are satisfied. Except you’re a witch, and your lover is a snake monster thing. Warning, it is NSFW (both visual and audio).

*Accessibility: Not accessible for blind / visually impaired players and screen reader users.*

Play It Here

A Book of Beasts and Buddies

A Book of Beasts and Buddies

A Book of Beasts and Buddies takes less than an hour to play, but it’s a cute, relaxing way to pass some time and get a bit of a reprieve from from real life. It’s just a logbook with nine different beasts, and you have to interact with each one a bit in order to learn about them and get gifts from each one (which are needed to fully interact with the others). The challenge comes from trying to figure out what interactions to do and in what order to complete the beasts so that you can get all the info. Or there’s a walkthrough available on Steam if you don’t want a challenge but still want to see all the cute beasts.

*Accessibility: Not accessible for blind / visually impaired players and screen reader users.*

Play/Download It Here or Download it Here


Talk to me!

Have you played any of these games?
Do you have recommendations for any other quick, free games?


Your Thoughts


19 thoughts on “Game Reviews: 3 Quick, Free Games to Make You Smile

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  1. Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity

    My favourite simple game to suck me in and pass a little time when I’m stressed will always be either the solitaire (don’t know why, but I find it soothing) and Homescapes because easy puzzle games and I can go in and out of as I wish are the best. These sound really fun, though. I mean, Kiss Planet sounds utterly ridiculous and I know I’m going to be playing that soon enough. Monster Lover just sounds bizarre, not gonna lie, but I am weirdly intrigued. How did you even find it?

    1. Kristen Burns

      Solitaire is a classic. I remember like a year and a half ago when I lost power for a while, once it came back we still didn’t have internet, so I tried out every different type of Solitaire available in the computer, and it was fun! I like puzzle games too. Kiss Planet *is* ridiculous, and you should definitely try it lol. I think I found Monster Lover because there was an update thing for Monster Prom that was some article about why people like games about screwing monsters or something, and it talked about this game, so of course I had to try it 😂

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  3. Lola

    I also like shorter games or ones you can easier get into and don’t have to play as long to be fun for those moments when you only have a short amount of time or want a short break. How fun you found 3 quick free games for this post.

    Kiss Planet sure sounds fun and like it will be fun to read the message at the end. Monster Lover sounds quite unique with how you’re a witch and your lover a snake thing. I like your description of it being weird and charming. A Book of Beasts looks cute and sounds like a fun type of game. I might check that one out. I do wonder how you stumble across these games. I am glad you’re still doing these game related posts as they are fun to read.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Short games are perfect sometimes!

      I was too distracted to pay attention to any of the messages or responses while playing cuz I was just trying to get the right colors lol, so I loved getting to read it at the end. I think you might like A Book of Beasts and Buddies 🙂 Idk how I stumble upon these things either lol. Actually, Kiss Planet was because I watch the Drawfee channel on YouTube where they created the game, Monster Lover was mentioned in a blog post that was shared by the Monster Prom people, and the last I just found on Steam.

  4. Greg

    I like a nice quick game that’s also fun! Kiss Planet looks quirky!

    “moving your mouse around” lolol that sounds… interesting :):)

    And ooh that third one sounds fun! I want to unlock some cute beasties haha!

    Thanks for sharing these! They sound awesome.

  5. Olivia Roach

    Thanks for sharing about the free games! I don’t really game much anymore, but I think a lot of people are going to find this useful! I really feel like if I have more time in a holiday, I should try getting into gaming again…