Book Review: Rogue Magic by Kit Brisby

Byron, the PR rep for Cole Industries (an anti-magic company that makes magic-suppressing bands and that's about to break new ground by using magic as a clean energy source), has always believed the outlaw of magic was necessary and that his uncle's company was doing good things---until one day an unregistered mage saves his life only to labeled a terrorist. As Byron delves deeper into his moral dilemma, he starts to realize how horribly mages are actually being treated and becomes determined to save Levi and put a stop to things.

Title: Rogue Magic
Pages: 310
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Publisher


*I received an ecopy of this book via NetGalley. This has not influenced my review.*

This book was a surprisingly realistic look into what it might be like if we had magic in our modern-day world, complete with everything from Twitter stalking hot guys to prejudice and hate crimes against mages, and it was that realism that made the book so good. There were even support groups for bound mages (they had to wear magic-suppressing bands on their wrists) and all sorts of other details that really made the integration of mages into our society seem like a real thing.

But never fear, the book didn’t slack on the plot or the characters either; both of those were believable too. I mean, ok, things may have been a bit on the extreme side on occasion, what with the mad scientists and greedy psychopaths, but just in the way that books are, not in a ridiculous way. Every book’s gotta have a villain! (Well, that’s not quite true, but that’s not the point.) And there was actually some disturbing torture/experimentation/sedation-without-consent stuff throughout the book (it was supposed to be disturbing, so I’m not complaining, just warning anyone who might want to know). Back to what I was saying though, the two main characters in the story were just kind of… normal guys, but in a good way. Even the way they used modern words and colloquialisms in their thoughts gave them realistic but still unique voices as twenty-somethings and brought me deeper into the story and their POVs.

I also loved that the psychological effects of Levi’s treatment (imprisonment, torture) were taken into account and not glossed over. Throughout the book he had emotional trauma and panic attacks, and the author did a good job of helping me understand what he was going through. And I loved the way the other characters were understanding and soothing whenever Levi started panicking, as well as they way they always made it a point to ask his permission before doing anything to him or that involved him, even something as simple as carrying him back to his room when he couldn’t walk or staying in the room as he fell asleep. Really that should just be common human decency, but it was especially important with how out of control of his own life Levi felt, and I loved Byron and Victoria for it.

Oh, there was also romance, and it was nice, but it seemed like more of a secondary thing to the whole saving-Levi-and-starting-a-revolution plot.

So overall, this was a realistic urban fantasy that delved into the possible social and societal implications of magic in our modern world but still had likeable, just-like-you-and-me characters, and I enjoyed it!


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Talk to me!

Have you read Rogue Magic by Kit Brisby?
Have you ever read a book delved into the social and societal implications of magic?


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6 thoughts on “Book Review: Rogue Magic by Kit Brisby

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  1. Greg

    The societal implications of magic- kind of a cool topic. And lol in today’s climate yeah I can definitely see hate crimes and all kinds of stuff that would happen! I just read a book where the fae have “come out” and live on reservations and stuff, so it’s interesting to think about- how would society reac? Nice that the characters are relatable.

    Like the title too.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yes, it’s very timely. And the way the mages were treated was definitely the kind of thing I can see happening. And huh, that fae book sounds cool too! I’ve also read some books in a series in which vampires have been revealed and there’s all sorts of social issues addressed like protests and vampire rights and whatnot. It’s cool when authors use urban fantasy to do things like that.

  2. Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity

    I was pretty much convinced as soon as I saw what this book was about but after your review I’m really interested in reading. I love when a book feels genuine and the fact that there are those small details of real life intermixed with the magical elements sounds great. I think I can accept it gets a bit extreme on occasion since the story and characters sound interesting. I will have to get ahold of a copy and see how it goes.

  3. Bookworm Brandee

    Holy wow! I went and added this to my (your) tbr shelf before I began my comment! 😉 I love the realism of this UF story – it does seem rather relevant to today’s society. It seems like there could be lots of parallels drawn though. And the characters being so well-defined – and realistic – seems to add to the tight connection with them. Fantastic review, Kristen! You definitely made me curious. 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      Awesome! It was definitely a realistic and timely book, considering everything going on right now. I imagine this probably is how the country would be if magic were revealed.