Book Review: Lonely Shore (Chaos Station Book 2) by Jenn Burke & Kelly Jensen

The attacks by the Agrius are getting more frequent and complicating life for the Chaos, but so are Zander's Zoning incidents. As the side effects from Zander's experimental training as a super soldier get worse, the crew of the Chaos decides they have to do something to try and help him, even if it means another member of the crew must risk happiness to do so.

Book Review: Lonely Shore (Chaos Station Book 2) by Jenn Burke & Kelly Jensen | reading, books, book reviews, science fiction, space opera, lgbt, m/m
Title: Lonely Shore
Book Number: Book 2
Pages: 187
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Publisher


*This review might contain mild spoilers for Book 1. I wouldn’t consider them spoilers as they don’t reveal anything about the plot, but they do reveal certain bits of info that aren’t given right away in Book 1.*

This book was definitely more emotional than the first, and, in a kind of ironic, contradictory, masochistic way, that made me happy. Whereas the first book was about the figurative distance between Zander and Felix and the two of them trying to figure out what their new relationship was, this one was all about the effects of the stin poison on Zander’s brain and how it was killing him.

So first there was poor Zander, Zoning without meaning to or even realizing it, finding gaps in his memories, having constant headaches, and generally just being really confused and exhausted and scared about what was happening to him. The scenes from his POV were probably the most heart-tugging ones. Then there was Felix, despondent and unable to handle the fact that he was losing the man he loved but trying to be the strong one for Zander. Then there was the rest of the crew, who may not have been as close to Zander but still cared about him and Felix and were affected by all of this too. There was also Zander’s family, who didn’t even know what was going on but clearly loved Zander so much. I mean, Zander hadn’t even talked to his family in years, I don’t think, because of the war. Then he didn’t contact them even after the war ended. Then he completely avoided Brennan, his brother, when Brennan found out he was on one of their stations and flew all the way there just to see him. When he finally called, well, I’ll let you read the touching moment for yourself, but I will say that Brennan’s response nearly brought tears to my eyes because it showed  how much Zander had pushed his family away and avoided them but how much they didn’t care about any of that and just wanted to help him and have him back.

Also, to backtrack a little bit, when I was about 20% into the book, I kinda stopped and suddenly realized that the characters in this book, the crew of the Chaos, already felt so familiar and comfortable to me. And, well, that’s always a good sign because it means they felt real and I liked them.

The only thing I didn’t like was that there was one thing in the book that was very deus ex machina. Oh, and I still had trouble remembering whose POV I was in sometimes. But I enjoyed the book enough to let those things slide.

And that’s about it for my review. This book was a quick read but a good one. The plot was focused on relationships and helping Zander rather than a ton of action, but it was never slow or boring, the characters were lovable, and overall I enjoyed the book!


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16 thoughts on “Book Review: Lonely Shore (Chaos Station Book 2) by Jenn Burke & Kelly Jensen

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  1. Lola

    I hope to read book 1 eventually this year. I like the sound of this series and how this is focused on the characters and relationship. That’s nice how the characters already feel so comfortable and familiar so soon. That does sound difficult to read about what Zander is dealing with and also how that affects the other characters.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I’m looking forward to your thoughts! I’m curious to see if it’ll be a series you like or not since I think it could be. They really are well-written characters!