Book Review: The ABCs of Spellcraft Collection Volume 3 (Books 8-11) by Jordan Castillo Price [Audiobook]

Book Review: The ABCs of Spellcraft Collection Volume 3 (Books 8-11) by Jordan Castillo Price [Audiobook]

Dixon and Yuri have more shenanigans to pursue and spellcraft gone awry to fix---this time amidst lots of exciting changes for the Penn family, which is about to get bigger, and for the Pinyin Bay spellcraft community. Individual Descriptions: In Present Tense, Dixon and Yuri try to find gifts for each other on Christmas Eve. In Brownie Points, spellcraft in some brownies Yuri eats gives him a...
Book Review: Silk Fire by Zabé Ellor

Book Review: Silk Fire by Zabé Ellor

Koré is a male courtesan in a world where men are lesser, but he plans to use his skills and connections to make sure his awful father doesn't get the position of leadership he wants. But when Koré is given dragon magic, starts falling for two people whose love he's not sure he's worthy of, fights against necromancy, and learns of various political secrets, things get even more...