Graphic Novel Review: Interview with the Vampire: Claudia’s Story by Anne Rice & Ashley Marie Witter

Claudia was only five years old when she was turned into a vampire by her vampire fathers Louis and Lestat. This is the story, in graphic novel form, of her life as she grows older, becomes unhappy with being stuck in a little girl's body, and seeks answers and other creatures like her who may have them.

Graphic Novel Review: Interview with the Vampire: Claudia's Story by Anne Rice & Ashley Marie Witter | reading, books, graphic novels, book reviews, fantasy, paranormal/urban fantasy, historical fantasy
Title: Interview with the Vampire: Claudia's Story
Pages: 224
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Publisher


This was a beautiful, little graphic novel adaptation of Claudia’s life from Interview with the Vampire. The illustrations were beautiful (manga-like, but not too extreme). The splashes of red blood against the sepia artwork was striking. The stained look of the pages, and then the burned look during the fire, really added to the mood. There was so much detail in everything. Louis and Lestat were easy on the eyes 😉 The artwork overall was just lovely.

I can’t say this book added anything to the story or gave me much insight into Claudia that I couldn’t already figure out, but, oddly enough, it did give me a touch more insight into Louis. (Note: I read this after rereading just Interview, so as of the time I’m writing this, I don’t know what gets revealed about characters later in the series.) It was as though seeing through Claudia’s POV allowed me to see things I couldn’t when I was in Louis’s POV, things that Louis either didn’t know or didn’t want to admit about himself, or maybe just things he didn’t quite explain. I also hadn’t realized just how manipulative Armand was. I guess it was easy to overlook and forget the things Claudia said about him and even the things he told Louis himself when I was in Louis’s POV. That just goes to show how well Interview was written, how everything Louis said was tainted by his bias and how I really was in his head while reading.

I also thought Ashley Marie Witter did a wonderful job of adapting the novel though and that the characters were portrayed well. I am especially fond of the face of exasperated resignation Louis makes in this panel here when Lestat won’t stop talking:

Louis & Lestat

And did anyone else happen to think Morgan, the guy at the inn, was particularly attractive? I want a graphic novel about him. Why couldn’t he have been one of the vampires? I’m getting a little off-topic though…


I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone who hasn’t read Interview since this is NOT the graphic novel version of that, this is just, well, Claudia’s story. I also wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who’s looking for new stuff or a lot of new insight. But if you’re a fan of the Vampire Chronicles, want to spend some more time with these characters, want to connect to the characters in a new way by seeing them in graphic novel form, and/or like pretty artwork, then I think you’ll enjoy this.


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26 thoughts on “Graphic Novel Review: Interview with the Vampire: Claudia’s Story by Anne Rice & Ashley Marie Witter

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  1. Cee Arr

    OK, the artist’s Lestat is clearly Tom Cruise. It just is.

    Ha, Louis’ pouty face! XD I’m not sure why that made me laugh so much 😉

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah it does look like Tom Cruise lol. But I guess he’s just become the face of Lestat.

      OMGosh I just love Louis’s face in that panel so much, haha. It’s like the perfect “Why are you still here? Please stop talking” face lol.

  2. Karen Blue

    I didnt even know they had graphic novels of this series. I love the pictures you chose to share. This sounds like something I need to add to my collection.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wattle

    I feel like everything is getting the graphic novel treatment these days. This one looks neat though, I’m a fan of artwork like that with splashes of colour 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      Someone else mentioned that. It gives me conflicting feelings because on the one hand I don’t want to support authors who treat readers like that, but on the other hand I’m already hooked on her books. But right? I also thought it odd that a book about Claudia gave me more insight into Louis lol. I love that frame so much, haha.

  4. Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity

    It sucks this didn’t really offer any new insight for you but it sounds like you enjoyed it regardless. Sometimes being able to see characters and their expressions gives you a new perspective at least. And really, if you’re going to reread you might read everything you can get your hands on.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I did enjoy it 🙂 It’s a totally new experience getting to actually SEE the characters, and yeah, the facial expressions and all that does add something, in a way!

  5. La La in the Library

    I saw that there was a graphic novel, but I thought it was the Interview storyline. The fact that it is about Claudia makes it more interesting to me! Thanks for the heads up. ☺

  6. Olivia Roach

    I was so curious to read this review because I know how much you like the original. It sounds like they did so well with the artwork and adding to the mood set for the whole book. Generally, I do love the graphic novel versions of my favourite reads, especially if the artwork is done beautifully.

    1. Kristen Burns

      The artwork was amazing, so detailed and everything, and perfect for the mood. I think this was the first GN version of a book I’d ever read, but I’d def read more if I came across them for other books I’ve loved!