Book Review: The Midnight Gardener (The Town of Superstition Book 1) by R. G. Thomas

Fifteen-year-old Thaddeus has spent his whole life moving from city to city with his dad. Upon moving to the town of Superstition, he becomes enamored with the mysterious neighbor who gardens every night. When he finally meets Teofil, he discovers that Teofil is a gnome and that there's a lot more to this world than he ever imagined.

Book Review: The Midnight Gardener (The Town of Superstition Book 1) by R. G. Thomas | reading, books, book reviews, paranormal/urban fantasy, lgbt+, young adult, gnomes
Title: The Midnight Gardener
Book Number: Book 1
Pages: 137
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Publisher


This book. Was. Adorable.

Thaddeus was adorable.

Teofil was adorable.

The two of them together were adorable.

The family relationships were adorable.

Everything was adorable. That’s all you need to know! Review over!

(Just kidding.)

Honestly though, I was already invested in Thaddeus and Teofil’s relationship before they had even spoken. I can’t even tell you how many times I felt warm and fuzzy and couldn’t help but smile while reading this. It was such a wholesome, sweet romance, and I was so happy for Thaddeus finally finding someone who made him feel so giddy and happy and understood. The author captured that high school crush, butterflies in your stomach, overexcited awkwardness so well.

And as I said, the characters themselves were so lovable. Thaddeus was a lonely teen with a good heart. Teofil was a sweetheart. Even all the other characters, like Nathan (Thaddeus’s dad) were good and kind.

Also, this was such a healthy portrayal of teenage boys! Thaddeus had emotions, and he liked the flowers that Teofil sent him, and he realized he missed being hugged by his dad. Things like that just made the book even better.

And speaking of Thaddeus’s dad, that relationship was really sweet too. They talked things out, they tried to understand each other, they loved and appreciated each other.

Last but not least, a garden gnome love interest! I loved it. I’ve only done a bit of reading on gnome lore/mythology, but I always like seeing authors’ takes on supernatural beings.

There was also a plot, in addition to the romance, but this was a fairly short book, and the plot is one that continues into the next book.

This is definitely enjoyable for all ages (if you enjoy YA), but if you know any actual teens or pre-teens who are looking for something sweet, especially if they’re looking for something with gay characters, I recommend this so hard. This book was a sweet, adorable clean romance with lovable characters that’s bound to make you smile!


Book Tags:

Basic Info

Book Author:
Genre: , , ,
My Rating:

More Info (Possible Spoilers)

LGBT+ Rep: ,
Non-Human Type:
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Extra Love: , ,


Talk to me!

Have you read The Midnight Gardener by R. G. Thomas?
Do you enjoy adorable, clean romances?


Your Thoughts


24 thoughts on “Book Review: The Midnight Gardener (The Town of Superstition Book 1) by R. G. Thomas

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  1. Aimee (Aimee, Always)

    Well, the cover totally doesn’t make it sound like a cutesy romance read, but your review is LOUD AND CLEAR. XD I am in so much need for another adorable LGBT romance with adorable characters AHHH.

  2. Lola

    This does sound adorable and I like the sound of a gnome gardening in the night. The characters sound really well done and it sounds great how the author wrote their romance. And I like it when characters try and talk things out in a relationship. I don’t think I’ve read many books with gnome’s in them. In fact I can’t really remember any from the top of my head, so that’d definitely unique this book had a gnome. I might have to check it out as it sounds like a great read!

    1. Kristen Burns

      It was so cute! Apparently, in gnome lore, gnomes turn to stone in the sun, so they can only come out at night. These gnomes didn’t turn permanently to stone (though I think they could temporarily if they wanted or something?), but I liked that little nod to the lore with the nighttime gardening. I hope you like this one if you read it!

  3. Olivia Roach

    Oh wow, the cover of this book is so gorgeous. Lately, I’ve been fangirling over adorable things. Probably because I am studying for exams and adorableness is the only way for me to survive. But yes, this sounds so perfect for me right about now. And I’ve never read a book with gnomes either, so I know I would love to learn more and see that side of things portrayed 🙂

  4. Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity

    This may only be short read but it sounds really cool and that cover is so pretty! Like, I was totally ready to go with the review of everything being adorable, I would read for that alone but it honestly sounds like such a nice read. After your review I may just have to sneak this on to my to buy list because why not, right?