Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Snakes

I really thought book covers with snakes would be easy to find, but I was wrong.

However, some of the ones I did find I really love, so it worked out in the end.

As for snakes in general, I feel like they're a common fear, right? I've never had an issue with snakes though. Granted I don't want random, wild snakes crawling on me, but the ones they let you hold at zoos and whatnot are awesome.

Are any of my readers afraid of snakes? Do any of my readers have *pet* snakes?! Let me know, I'm curious now :-)

Now for the covers!

Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted at Sugar & Snark. This week’s topic is:

Book Covers featuring Snakes

Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke | books, reading, book covers
Unsympathetic Magic by Laura Resnick | books, reading, book covers
Snake in the Grass by Staci Hart | books, reading, book covers
Fractured Darkness by Morgan Wylie | books, reading, book covers
Cursed by Lizzy Ford | books, reading, book covers
Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi | books, reading, book covers
The String Diaries by Stephen Lloyd Jones | books, reading, book covers
The Andalucian Friend by Alexander Soderberg | books, reading, book covers
The Snake by Michael Grant | books, reading, book covers
Baby Please Don't Go by Frank Freudberg | books, reading, book covers

Pin the Collage!


Baby Please Don’t Go by Frank Freudberg

Baby Please Don't Go by Frank Freudberg | books, reading, book covers, cover love

Black and red, need I say more?


The Snake by Michael Grant

The Snake by Michael Grant | books, reading, book covers, cover love

This one looks intense!


The Andalucian Friend by Alexander Soderberg

The Andalucian Friend by Alexander Soderberg | books, reading, book covers, cover love

I like the faded, stamp-y look.


The String Diaries by Stephen Lloyd Jones

The String Diaries by Stephen Lloyd Jones | books, reading, book covers, cover love

It’s simple, but I like the string and crumpled paper look.


Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi

Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi | books, reading, book covers, cover love

It’s just pretty.


Cursed by Lizzy Ford

Cursed by Lizzy Ford | books, reading, book covers, cover love

I like the red, and I like how dark the book and cover look.


Fractured Darkness by Morgan Wylie

Fractured Darkness by Morgan Wylie | books, reading, book covers, cover love

I like the art and the Medusa vibe.


Snake in the Grass by Staci Hart

Snake in the Grass by Staci Hart | books, reading, book covers

I always love black and white with color splash, and I just like the picture.


My Favorite #1:
Unsympathetic Magic by Laura Resnick

Unsympathetic Magic by Laura Resnick | books, reading, book covers, cover love

This cover is GORGEOUS. I swear every time I fall in love with a cover and look up the artist, it’s Dan dos Santos. This is my favorite cover style, and he is a book cover god. So of course this is one of my favorites.


My Favorite #2:
Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke

Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke | books, reading, book covers, cover love

I love the black background and THAT FONT and the little smattering of colorful randomness in the background. All together, it is so pretty.


Talk to me!

Which book cover with snakes is YOUR favorite?

Book Covers featuring Snakes | books, reading, book covers, cover love, snakes

Your Thoughts


8 thoughts on “Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Snakes

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  1. Greg

    I don’t mind snakes, although I don’t get the snakes as pet thing. 🙂 This was an interesting topic. I think The Snake might be my fave, although I like Boy snow Bird as well, and I agree about the Resnick cover. I think it’s the most striking, and definitely makes you wonder about the book. How can you not?

    I have a tendency to like certain cover artists too and it’s nice when they deliver. I’ve heard that name before and I’ve probably seen more of his covers than I realize.

    Like your picks this week.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I don’t know, snakes might not be cuddly, but I guess I can understand why someone might want one as a pet. This was a fun topic in the end though. I put that Laura Resnick series on my TBR because the books actually do sound good and of course I want the covers lol. Dan dos Santos has done quite a few sci-fi/fantasy covers, so you’ve probably seen a couple. Glad you like my picks 🙂

  2. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    Love that header! I hadn’t seen the MIchael Grant one yet, but I didn’t really like the first one in that series, even though he’s one of my favorite authors. I will have to check it out though. And I already loved the Wink Poppy Midnight cover, but had to look close at it because I didn’t realize it had a snake on it! Some great picks! I also had Cursed, it was my top pick. YOu can check out my picks in the link below!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Thank you! That snake is just so pretty. The Wink Poppy Midnight cover has so many random, little things on it lol. And Cursed is definitely a great one, I can see why it was your top pick!

  3. Pingback: Snakes as Tropes (Sara Beaver) | GD 203