Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Cloaks/Hoods


This was another one of those topics that I just noticed on a lot of covers, so I decided to start marking them down and share them with you 🙂

But is it just me, or is there something sexy about hoods? Maybe it’s the mysterious vibe they have? I don’t know, but I kind of love them, so here are some awesome covers that have characters wearing them!

Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted at Sugar & Snark. I went rogue this week, so my topic is:

Books Covers featuring Cloaks/Hoods


*The site is having some problems displaying individual covers with links. Some of them may not show up. Hopefully you can still enjoy the collage!*

Book Covers featuring Cloaks/Hoods | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods


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Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks

El Camino de las Sombras by Brent Weeks | reading, book covers, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods
The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods
Beyond the Shadows by Brent Weeks | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

I included the Spanish and English versions since both are pretty, but for different reasons. The Spanish one looks so imposing and in intimidating, and I love it!


Nightfall by Shiriluna Nott

Nightfall by Shiriluna Nott | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

I like the artwork, and it looks like an interesting scene being portrayed.


Marla Mason Series by T.A. Pratt

Bone Shop by T.A. Pratt | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods
Blood Engines by T.A. Pratt | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods
Dead Reign by T.A. Pratt | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

These are probably my second favorites as I adore the artwork, and a lot of the covers have cloaks on them.


The Magicians’ Guild by Trudi Canavan

The Magicians' Guild by Trudi Canavan | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

I love the black and white with red font, it’s so eye-catching and pops out.


Before Beauty by Brittany Fichter

Before Beauty by Brittany Fichter | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

This is just so beautiful.


Two by Leigh Ann Kopas

Two by Leigh Ann Kopans | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

I love how pretty and magical it looks.


The Innocent Mage by Karen Miller

The Innocent Mage by Karen Miller | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

That cloak is so billowy, I love it, and the green against white is so striking.


The Benighted by A. M. Dunnewin

The Benighted by A. M. Dunnewin | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

I really like all his belts. That’s probably weird, right? I also like all the brown colors. It just draws me in.


The Novice by Taran Matharu

The Novice by Taran Matharu | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

I used this one recently, but I’m using it again because I love pretty much everything about it.


My Favorite:
Polterheist by Laura Resnick

Polterheist by Laura Resnick | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

Such GORGEOUS artwork! And so much detail. And I love the blue, white, and light blue coloring. And it’s such a fun, interesting image.


Talk to me!

Which book cover featuring cloaks/hoods is YOUR favorite?

Book Covers featuring Cloaks Hoods | reading, books, book covers, cover love, cloaks, hoods

Your Thoughts


18 thoughts on “Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Cloaks/Hoods

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  1. Ashley G.

    *flails* HOODS AND CAPES! Yes! So I used to have a hood obsession as a fantasy writer and reader. But who am I kidding? I would have no qualms with someone gifting me a hooded cape for my birthday or something and I would probably weird people out by wearing it all the time. XD *clears throat*

    Okay, I love, love the Benighted one. It’s very assertive, his stance and all. Actually the character’s mannerisms in the cover give me Green Arrow vibes (have you seen that tv series).

    *screams* BUT you have TWO up there also! I actually have that book and the cover is so gorgeous; it’s one of my favorites. I love the green tones, the hood (obviously), and the wing diagram behind him. I’ve read One, but I haven’t gotten to read Two yet. Have you read either of them? One is really good. I did have a few prickly things I didn’t like about the initial romance, but that aside, I liked that it was about superpowers and the concept of the superpowers was really good. I want to give it a reread before starting Two.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha yes! I’m glad my topic is being appreciated 😛 We should totally bring back hooded capes though! (Were they ever actually a common thing? Well, we can be the firsts to make it a thing then if they weren’t lol.)

      I haven’t seen Green Arrow, but yeah, there’s just something about that cover and that guy. Maybe that’s it, the assertiveness.

      I haven’t read it, but I put the series on my TBR because it looks interesting! And I think I saw it at the bookstore the other day and stopped to admire the cover in person. I’ll have to check if my library has it just so I can get a chance to read it soon.

  2. Lola

    I agree I think cloaks or hoods definitely adds something fun and mysterious to a cover. I like the covers for the Marla Mason series, they are a tad creepy, but also mysterious and magical. Oh and I have actually read the Magician’s Guild series, years ago, but I remember I quite enjoyed them. Even lend them to my sister who also read them. I have another cover edition though, they are yellow with a colored symbol on the cover. I quite like them, simple, but nice. But these covers with the cloaks are nice too.

    I like how the Before Beauty cover almost seems to be a scene from the book and makes me wonder what those figures are doing and where they are. The Benighted cover is nice too, I like his outfit, although all those belts do look like they would feel uncomfortable to wear, but it does look nice on a cover. The art style of that Laura Besnick novel looked familiar, so i looked it up and realized you had featured another cover in the series during another of your cover posts, so that’s probably why it seemed familiar.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I love those Marla Mason ones as they’re Dan dos Santos covers, but they just don’t have quite the same level of detail as many of his other covers. That’s cool that you’ve read one of the series 🙂 I looked on GR and couldn’t find the cover version you were talking about though :-/ but I’m sure they’re pretty too! I like simple but nice covers.

      Oh yeah, it does look like it might be a scene from the book. I think that cover is so beautiful, and I’d like to read the book. And haha, the belts probably would be uncomfortable, but for whatever reason they look good. Yeah, I’ve used Laura Resnick books on other cover posts (arrows, most recently) because they’re designed by Dan dos Santos and, you know, minor obsession lol.

      1. Lola

        I didn’t realize those Marla mason ones were Dan Dos Santos covers as well. He sure makes some pretty covers, even thought these might have less detail than his other covers they still have an unique style.

        Okay let’s see if this works, here’s the link tot he Magician’s Guild cover that I have:
        The cover itself is yellow with a symbol on the cover and only on the spine is the hooded figure if I remember correctly.

        1. Kristen Burns

          Yeah, they are definitely still his style, but I like the detailed ones even better!

          Ah, ok, that is a simple but nice cover 🙂 I totally didn’t realize there were more editions than the ones pictured, but I just now saw that it says “70 editions,” so that explains why I didn’t find that cover when I looked lol.

  3. Barb (boxermommyreads)

    Man, I can’t believe I haven’t started the Resnick series yet. The whole series has great covers. I also need to look into the Pratt series. I love the covers you find and think it’s awesome that you feature some lesser known books each time. I’m always discovering something new.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I really want to read the series too but it’s just too expensive for me right now. Same for the Pratt series. But one day! Lol. And thanks 🙂 I love reading indie and self-pub books, so those are just the covers I end up coming across!

  4. Greg

    Awesome topic. And I shit you not I just put together a post for cloaked figures and scheduled it out a few weeks- seriously! Ha ha at least I picked different covers lol.

    And yes I like a mysterious cloaked figure. Nightfall is great- i like a foggy, moon shrouded city scene, and Bone Shop is awesome. Blood Engines I like for the purplish runes and you can’t see her whole face. Plus that title! That might be the best title on the list. Magicians Guild is good for a classic black cloaked figure, and The Innocent Mage has the green cloak thing going. The resnick cover is pretty good but my favorite might be Blood Engines or The Innocent Mage.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha how funny would it have been if we did the same topic on the same day without planning it? Can’t wait to see your covers lol.

      Yeah, those Marla Mason books have awesome covers, though not as detailed as Dan dos Santos’s other cover work. But of course, I should have known you’d pick the green one as your favorite 😛

  5. verushka

    Oh yes, hoods are definitely sexy! I particularly like Two and can I say, how awesome LAura Resnick’s books are? SO good! She nails humour so well!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Good, so it’s not just me who thinks that! I haven’t had the chance to read the Resnick books yet, but I really want to. They sound interesting, and I didn’t even realize they were funny too, but I suppose I should’ve guessed from the covers lol.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha yes! I’m glad other people get it, the sexiness of hoods! I do love that Novice cover. I was even admiring it in the bookstore the other day lol. And I would like to read it too.

  6. Mareli Thalwitzer

    AAAAH – so cool and definitely sexy yes…. Nice topic and great picks! I didn’t do very well either with the balcony one – but I did post it. Hope you will have a great weekend!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha yay! I’m so glad other people get it about hoods being sexy lol. And thanks 🙂 Yeah, I literally had nothing for balconies, so I didn’t even try. You have a great weekend too!