Bookish Musings: 10 Book Quotes about Blood

Bookish Musings: 10 Book Quotes about Blood

Believe it or not, I've been wanting to do this post for a while (what with all the vampire books and urban fantasy I read, I come across a lot of quotes about blood), but it's kind of an odd topic, so October just seemed like the perfect time for it! Technically they're not all about blood, but they do involve blood in some way or another. Some I chose because they're funny, others because...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Female Characters from Books I’ve Read This Year (2015)

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Female Characters from Books I’ve Read This Year (2015)

It's actually not often that I find female characters I love or even like. It's not that I don't like females---I am one! But I don't seem to relate to them as often in books. Maybe it's just how they're written, what with all the pressure there is on writing females. That's why, when I do find one I like, I get ridiculously excited and obsess over them. And I'm so happy to found a few amazing...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books that Would Be On My Syllabus If I Taught Healthy Relationships in Modern Lit 101

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books that Would Be On My Syllabus If I Taught Healthy Relationships in Modern Lit 101

It was a struggle for me to find a measly ten books/series with healthy relationships in my list of recent reads, and that's exactly why I decided to go with Healthy Relationships in Modern Lit 101. I'm so tired of cruel, dominating, controlling, disrespectful male love interests who the protagonist of course falls in love with because, in the end, all his cruelty and disrespect is actually very...