Book Review: Deadgirl: Goneward (The Deadgirl Saga Book 3) by B.C. Johnson

Lucy and her friends have stopped the serial killers, but now Lucy has a new problem---an angry wraith making her crazy and constantly threatening her and her loved ones. As Lucy struggles more and more to sate her hunger, she, Morgan, Zack, and Cortney head out on a roadtrip to talk to Puck and find answers.

Book Review: Deadgirl Goneward (The Deadgirl Saga Book 3) by B.C. Johnson | reading, books, book reviews, fantasy, paranormal/urban fantasy, young adult
Title: Deadgirl: Goneward
Book Number: Book 3
Pages: 498
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


*I received an ecopy of this book from the author. This has not influenced my review.*

This book was great, but I had a couple small issues, so I’ll get those out of the way first and then I’ll get to the good stuff.

The first chapter threw me off because it was like a prologue that jumped forward in time, and then Ch. 2 jumped back to the time where the previous book left off, but it didn’t explain any of that. There was also a new POV introduced that wasn’t in the previous books (Zack’s), and sometimes time would jump back a bit when we switched POVs to cover a time period that already happened in the other POV, so that threw me off too, but I got used to it all after a bit and enjoyed having both POVs.

I also felt kind of confused about things for the first half or so, but I wonder if that was on purpose. The method of withholding information about things until the last minute made me feel tense and unsettled, and I think the characters were feeling that way too. There was a very ominous feel to the whole book.

Speaking of the mood of the book, like the others, there was some darkness and heaviness in this one, bad things happened, and everything wasn’t wrapped up in a neat little package. Except I’d say this was even darker. All the characters had already been so affected and lost so much, and this time they gave up even more. I don’t wanna say too much, so I’ll just talk about how even just the way they gave up memories in order to help Lucy when she needed to feed was unsettling. Her friends did it willingly, so I don’t mean that Lucy did anything wrong, just that I can’t imagine giving up my memories, especially ones as important as what they gave. And memories were not the only thing some of them lost.

But one of my favorite things about these books is how realistically the characters have been affected by the horrible things they’ve been through. They’re just teenagers. And they’ve dealt with things no one should have to deal with. And it has scarred them emotionally. In fact, it’s even scarred some of them physically.

Another great thing is the moral question that comes up about whether or not Lucy should even be alive. A lot of paranormal books are about characters who die and then come back, but they rarely ever question the morality of it. In this series though, Lucy’s undead status has wrought havoc on the lives of her friends, and so she does sometimes wonder if maybe she should’ve just stayed dead the way most people do, and it’s a good question. But of course it’s understandable that she wants to live.

And yet another great (and less heavy) thing was how teenage the characters were. Sometimes Lucy’s humor didn’t quite work for me, but the characters did feel like teenagers, not overly mature. And I liked the little scenes of them all hanging out and just being teens, breaking stupid rules, arguing over music in the car, etc. I don’t know about you all, but, when I was in high school and just hanging out with my friends, we did and said the strangest and most random things. And I feel like that’s something that’s lacking from most YA books.

So overall, this was a darker and even more thought-provoking addition to a unique series!


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6 thoughts on “Book Review: Deadgirl: Goneward (The Deadgirl Saga Book 3) by B.C. Johnson

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  1. verushka

    Team DeadGirl heh. I like that. I like too how differently the author tackles some things, especially Lucy acknolwedging she’s undead and whether she should be or not. Very cool.

  2. Greg

    Team Deadgirl? Ooh. I love the ethical dilemma though, and the fact that they’re teens and act like it. And yeah being a teen is goofy sometimes- I think sometimes that gets forgotten and/ or YA doesn’t capture it. It’s almost like a lot of YA is twentysomethings in high school lol.

    Giving up memories is pretty serious!

    Love the cover, they look like trouble. šŸ™‚

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah, you really don’t see that ethical dilemma in other books. And seriously, most teens in YA seem more like adults. And even when they don’t, I still feel like the books are usually missing that random, goofy, teenage interaction element.

      I love the cover too! And I don’t think I’d want to give up any of my memories.

  3. Roberta R.

    I wrote a long review about this one, and still you managed to bring up some points I didn’t mention/think about!
    Ah, I love this series. It should get more recognition, dammit.

    1. Kristen Burns

      That always seems to happen when I read reviews, I end up finding things I agree with but didn’t even think of lol. I’ll have to check out your review now!